Monday, November 2, 2009

So Embarrassing

So I had the most embarrassing thing happen today! We were at gymnastics. Bay had to potty and I asked Koko to take her. They came running back through the gym. Bay was standing in the middle of the mat behind the vault (which was in front of ALL THE PARENTS). Bay pulls her pants down. Not just the cute leggings she had on, but the Tinkerbell panties as well! I am trying to help her pull them back up, stand up, and RUN out of the gym! I could hear all the giggles on my way out! I asked her what the heck she was doing and she said, "Koko no do it, I do it." She has been on this independent kick. If someone does it first and she wanted to, she will undo then do! She will shut a door just to open it again, silliness! Obviously Koko had pulled up those Tinks and she wanted to do it all by herself.


The Texas Bakers said...

I, too, am uncomfortably familiar with the Little Miss Independent phenomenon. Too funny! Happy birthday! I am glad you've had a good one :)

Natalie said...

Happy late Birthday. Sounds like it was wonderful.
I think all those parents were just happy it wasn't them. It easily could have been.:)

Jay said...

Too funny! Maybe not at the time, but definitely a memory to cherish and bring up for Bay when the moment is just right! Happy Late B-day! So glad your day was awesome!

nikko said...

It will be funny -- in a few months. ;o)

Alison said...

It was funny Monday night!! I watched happen :o).

KC Witkamp said...

That`s really funy, I`m still laughing.

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